Pumpkin Patch 2012

Last weekend, Stu took a break from studying for the PE and we headed to Perry Organic farm right next to Ardenwood Historic Farm in Fremont.

It was a beautiful day and the farm reminded me a lot of Camarillo with the mountains in the distance. I love starting these traditions for Cora. Sure, she won't remember her first trip to the pumpkin patch, but I love establishing these family traditions early. It makes my heart happy.

The pumpkin patch was super cute, it had fun a hay pyramid, a hay maze, picnic tables, tractor rides, and well, pumpkins. The only thing missing was a little petting zoo, but it was small enough to be manageable and big enough to feel farm-y.

We had a ton of fun picking out the "perfect" pumpkin with Cora, and she became very attached. The pumpkin had to ride in the back with her on the way home, and Stu had to carry both her and the pumpkin into the house. Anytime I tried to hold the pumpkin, she totally freaked out. Silly bear.

We picked pumpkins, she picked her nose

It was a wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon. Ah, family. So fun.

10 Months Old!

Dear Cordelia,

Sometimes I just can't handle how fun you are.

This month, you continued to come into your own little (big!) personality. You make friends wherever you go and you love to wave at people as they pass by. I'm pretty sure your first word was "Hi" and you said it with a whisper and that the sounds "Dada" quickly followed it. However, you said "Hi Dada" to just about everything, so we're not sure if we should count it. At the very least, your cute little "Hi" has evolved into a very distinct and direct "Hey-Jo!" (Hello) as you greet anyone and everyone who crosses your path. I love that you give smiles and waves so freely, but you still hold me close as strangers come near. Honestly, it's hard to keep them at bay when you're so friendly, so we've had some awkward stranger moments lately, perhaps lets learn to be slightly more discriminating with the hellos, no?

This month, you got baptized. It was a really big deal that deserves a post of its own, but claiming God's sovereignty over your life was so special for you, daddy and I, our families, and the church community. Great Grandma even came for your baptism, it was so special to have her here! It was so amazing to stand up there and hear our church community promise they would honor God and you by teaching you about Jesus. Baby girl, you were in God's hands before you were even in ours, so it was good for us to make that commitment to you and to God as well.  By the way, you looked pretty amazing in your baptismal gown, and nice work reaching for Rev. Ian's mic during the prayer.

This month, you went to the splash pad for the first time. Growing up in the Bay Area has it's perks, but summer weather really isn't one of them, sorry! We make the most of our summer days though, and you had so much fun at the splash pad when it was warm out.

This month, we started going to the chiropractor and to physical therapy because you only stand on your tip toes. You've always been really strong and stiff in your legs, so we're working to help you loosen those tight muscles and get used to the feeling of having your heel on the ground. You love your chiropractor to pieces and you cooperate with her every wish. I try to stretch you at home and you're far less interested in what I have to offer. The physical therapist seemed to think that we could make some significant progress at home with you, but we have to go back in a few weeks if we don't see much improvement.

This month, we stayed close to home! We are finally almost settled in our new place, and we spend our days running errands, grocery shopping, and taking short walks in between your nap schedule. You have decided that you don't particularly care for the stroller, which is really unfortunate. You're rather big to take long walks in the ergo, so we try to keep you happy in the stroller for as long as possible. You love going to the farmers market just down the street, and you love playing in the kitchen while I cook.

This month, we figured out sleep! You are now sleeping in your very own crib for naps and night time. It was a really terribly hard few days for us all, but we figured it out, adjusted our lives, and you now sleep from 11.5 hours at night and take two hour and 15 minute naps each day. We're so proud of you, and we really miss snuggling you and waking up next to you in the mornings. But we're all better for it. You sleep, we sleep. We're all happier both day and night.

This month, you started eating three very solid meals per day, and you're down to four nursing sessions.  Somedays I feel like we spend our whole day at your highchair eating. I'm thankful that you're such a good eater! You love eggs, yogurt, carrots, ground beef, green beans, black beans, rice, avocado, guacamole, mango, sweet potatoes, apples, banana, pear, plum, peach, chicken, carnitas, basically anything that isn't bland. While I'm happy you're a good table food eater, sometimes I have trouble keeping up with you. You continue to dislike any purees that I make, which is really unfortunate because I think the stuff I make is really good!

This month, you have 6 teeth with two more almost here. You wear mostly 12-18 month pants, dresses, and long sleeved onesies. You can get away with the occasional 6-12 month dress, shorts, short sleeved shirts, but we'll need to retire them all very soon. You are still on the middle snap of our cloth diapers, and on the rare occasion you need a throw-away, you wear size 4. You are so long that I think we'll be in 18-24 month pants before I know it.

Next month, I'm excited to see how your personality continues to blossom and maybe you'll add some words to your repertoire (hint, hint, maybe mama and dada?). I'm excited to see you learn to stand and balance as we work on getting your feet flat and I'm interested to see how much more mobile you will get. We're sticking close to home again this next month because Daddy is going to take his Professional Engineering exam at the end of October. He will be studying a lot this month, but we'll make time for a trip to the pumpkin patch, lunches out, tickle wars, and walks to the park.

Cordelia, watching you grow is such a joy. I love chasing you after dinner as you scoot around on your bottom, giving you zerberts on the changing table, playing peek-a-boo as we snuggle in bed, and building towers with you so you can knock them down. I love your little laugh and how you dive bomb kiss daddy and I with your mouth wide open. I love singing to you as you snuggle close before bedtime. You really are the sweetest gift I could have ever asked for.

InstaFriday 10.5.12

InstaFriday time!

life rearranged

Sometimes when I think about sitting down to write this post I can't really remember if I even took pictures worth sharing or if there were stories to remember. And then I look at the pictures that tell the story of the little things of our life and I can remember. I can't tell you how important that is for me. To not forget the little things of Cora's life, but to also put stories to the pictures in my phone. Amazing.

Cora's obsession with our cat, Olive, continues to grow. Seriously, if either Stu or I are in the room and Olive comes in, we're suddenly chopped liver. It's pretty cute to watch her double-speed scoot to get to Olive, and the cat is really quite patient with her.

We're working on playtime in the crib lately. She's been doing well, and consequently waking up happy and playing until it's time for us to come get her up for the day or from naps. Such an awesome skill to have, and I love a baby who wakes up babbling!

Daddy was working late one day and needed some motivation from his girls. I look strange, but the moment is sweet and I'm trying to get in more pictures. So, there's that.

Last Friday we went to Pixar for an improv show that my friend directed. Cora's been to Pixar many a time in utero, but this was her first time on the outside.

Let's just say that she didn't find a friend in Buzz and Woody.

And I thought she might like them more if I were with her. But no. (Terrible mom, look at her! She's terrified of the lego Buzz and Woody and there I am laughing!)

Don't even ask how introducing her to the Monsters Inc. characters went. Disaster.

Finally, something that she really couldn't be scared of. A ball. A big ball. Except that big lamp that's about to get her. Seriously, she's scared of Buzz and Woody but totally cool with the giant lamp? Whatever, crazy lady.

My dad grew this pumpkin for Cora in his garden. She loves drumming on it.

Cora got baptized this last weekend. Both of our families came into town for the occasion, and my grandma even made it! Not that I have any pictures on my phone documenting there being here. Mental note: take more pictures of family with Cora. Luckily other people had that taken care of, but here are the few from my phone.

Stu's great grandma made this for his mom when she was a baby and both Stu and Keith were baptized in this beautiful gown.

For me, this gown is a symbol of God's sovereignty and faithfulness over their lives. Beautiful.

And Cora pulled it off well.

Saying hi to her buddy Ellena before getting baptized!

This week Cora had her first (and hopefully last) physical therapy appointment. More on that later.

And the summer weather that I've been waiting for all year finally showed up. We took full advantage and went to the splash pad. Twice. We would have gone more, but the fog rolled in after two days. Goodbye summer, it was nice to see you for a little bit. 

We also took advantage of the hot weather and our new deck!

I think a clothesline may be in order.

And warm "summer" night equals a night out on the deck surrounded by candles, complete with a bottle of wine and some ice cream. It was awesome.

Also? I'm fairly certain my child is part monkey. This is how she rolls in her stroller most of the time.

And I (finally) got this in the mail this week! Whee! My old MacBook has been kicking for 6+ years now, was totally out of memory, and couldn't be unplugged from the power source for over 2 minutes. It was time. I'm so excited to be able to upload pictures, try my hand at editing, and have a 2011 version of Microsoft word! (We'd been using a 2001 version. Yikes!)

And that's our week (or two) in pictures! 

Happy Friday!