InstaFriday 5.11.12

life rearranged 

Insta-Friday is a way to share the story of your week through cell phone pictures. Sounds like fun, so here goes nothing!

The weather was gorgeous on Saturday, so we headed out to the farmers market and met up with our friends Lyndsey and Ross with their son Emmett. He's 3 weeks older than Cora and infinitely cooler with his sunglasses.

 On Sunday, Stu had to be at church at 9am for band rehearsal, so Cora and I took a walk through UC Berkeley's campus for a couple hours before church (1 & 2). It was another gorgeous day. We spent most of our week outside on walks trying to stay cool (3). And we're loving the stokke chair! I love having company at the breakfast table (4).

 Cora struggled with naps this week, but I enjoyed some snuggle sleep time as she napped in my arms (1). We grilled out on our patio a LOT this week and Cora loved playing in the portable crib (2&3). We had fun dressing Cora up for a Cinco de Mayo party at the Crandalls' (4).

We are beginning to transition Cora out of her swaddle and into a sleep sack (1). So far, we've had two late, but good nights. I'm just not ready to sleep train. I'm still operating under the delusion that she'll teach herself how to sleep. I'll leave denial soon, I'm sure. Cora likes to wake up slow, and I like to finish my nap time tv, so it works out well (2)! Stu brought home awesome treats from the city (3), and Cora grew a bubble beard (4).

 And that's our week in iPhone pictures! Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. so many things i love about this post! i'm a cal alumni, so i love seeing pics of your family enjoying the campus (would love to bring my baby there someday!). also, i remember transitioning out of the swaddle- it was a toughie, but not as bad as i thought. i also hesitated to sleep train, and never did full-on cry-it-out. just didn't have it in me. i took a super gradual approach and she did learn to put herself to sleep at around 4 or 5 months. she totally surprised me! love your blog- will be checking it out more!
