The theme of this week has been "just be good enough." It's been a less than stellar week on the parenting front; I feel like I'm mucking my way through it, but I'm trying to find ways to enjoy my time with Cora.
Cora had her 6 month check up this week, and she's really tall. So tall, in fact, that she's just about out grown her infant car seat. So, it's on to the convertible car seat. I will miss the portability of the infant seat, but I will absolutely not miss lugging it up the three flights of stairs to our apartment.
This was my laundry pile this week. Ouch. It all got folded...eventually. Don't worry, there's more that I'm currently ignoring.
I had a little bit of childhood for lunch this week. It was part comfort food and part scraping the bottom of the fridge.
Cora are Olive are becoming more and more interested in each other lately. Olive even beats out the iPhone on Cora's interest meter!
And major props to Bay Street for catching on to Family Parking. I'll be back! I find it funny that this was commonplace in South Africa when I studied abroad there in college and the good ol' US of A is just getting around to this. One up for the RSA!
Oh, and this face. It almost makes me forget about the wicked sleep regression we're going through right now. Almost.
Tired, tired, tired mom, and a baby who refuses to nap. It's a good thing she's an awesome cuddler, because otherwise...
Solid food eating is still slow-going around here. I'm beginning to think that Cora doesn't care for my cooking! I broke down and got some rice cereal to play with the consistency of stuff, and I threw in a packet of mangos also. I don't know if it was the timing of the meal or what, but she ate and liked both. Stinker!
And lo, and behold! The first picture of the teeth! I finally tricked her into showing them off to the camera phone. They are the cutest little teeth that I ever did see, but I'm not a fan of the new biting while nursing skill. It's not pleasant.
We got out one night this week with the Trautmans to check out the food trucks that congregate right down the street where the Farmer's Market is on Saturdays. They are going to be there every Thursday night for the summer, which is tons of fun. Hopefully it will grow to be a bit bigger than just two trucks though, my gluten free options are slightly limited!
Andrea made a flower necklace, and Cora played in the grass while we ate dinner in the park. It was delightful, and it's so nice to have Dave and Andrea so close. They love on Cora and it melts my heart.
Stu and I have this anniversary tradition of drinking champagne out of our wedding flutes and looking at our wedding pictures. It's so fun to look at the pictures and relive the memories! Normally we do it on our anniversary, but it didn't work out until last night. Gotta spread out the revelry, right?
Right now I'm thankful for a sleeping baby so I can have a moment to collect myself. Stu's parents are in town this week to help Keith and Lindsey (Stu's brother and new wife) move their stuff into a storage unit before he begins his PhD program at UC Berkeley in the fall. So, in addition to officially doing away with the night time swaddle and (hopefully!) breaking the nursing to sleep association, we'll be having a lot of family time this weekend before heading down to southern CA again for a wedding mid-week.
Morning snack |
Happy Friday! Here's to a new week and to letting good enough be good enough!
What a cutie! We have matching laundry piles!
ReplyDeleteHugs, weeks like this come and go - give me a ring if you need some mommy talk time :)
ReplyDeleteLove the cow print!!